Western Galleries Fine Art in Homes: BLUEBONNET HOUSE

Western Galleries Fine Art in Homes: BLUEBONNET HOUSE

WG Artwork In Texas Homes:

signed canvas print
by KWeigand M. Photog.

Bluebonnet House, framed canvas, in a Texas Hill Country home.   
Photo ©  Western Galleries.

Bluebonnet House 
The original Bluebonnet House image was captured by Master Photographer, Kathy Weigand, using slide film.  The film has been scanned to create artist signed, giclée canvas prints.  

Very little photoshop editing has been done as Weigand purposely wants to retain the film's original color and feel of this iconic Texas Hill Country farmhouse as viewed in person during that late evening, in the golden light.  

It displays with a slight 'film' feel.

Bluebonnet House is located on private property along  Hwy 281 near Marble Falls and Burnet Texas.  Please be aware of traffic along the pull outs, and people milling around with their cameras during the spring.

In April of each year, this old farm house is a Texas western art travel destination, especially for photographers and artists as they search for fields of blue.

Texas Bluebonnet Trivia:
Did you know that in 1901, Bluebonnets became the official state flower of Texas?  But did you know there is also a State song?
Yes!  In 1933 the song titled, "Bluebonnets", written by Lora Crockett and Julia Booth, was designated as the official State song of Texas soon after they both performed the song along with singer Alice Routt, in front of lawmakers at the state capitol in Austin.

When the pastures are green in the springtime
And the birds are singing their sonnets,
You may look to the hills and the valleys
And they’re covered with lovely Bluebonnets.
Blue is the emblem of loyalty,
They’re as blue as the deep, deep sea,
Their smiling faces bring gladness,
For they bloom for you and for me.
Bluebonnets, so gorgeous and stately,
In your mantle of blue and of green,
In the spring when you’re in your full glory,
You’re the loveliest sight ever seen.
You’re beautiful when you sway in the sunshine,
You look like waves of the sea,
Ah, Texas was wise in her choice of a flower,
So we offer our homage to thee.
Bluebonnets, blue lovely Bluebonnets,
More beautiful than all the rest.
Texas chose you for her flower,
And we love you best, Bluebonnets.
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